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EU-SELF Project

“We cannot always build the future for our youth,

but we can build our youth for the future.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Great Speeches



Nowadays, there is no doubt that social and emotional skills (SES) are a key element in human development. Plenty of research shows the importance of attaining SES in early childhood. Supporting SES development in early years was found to increase children’s chances of success in school, work, and life, impacting not only children themselves, but their families, teachers, and the society as whole.

EU-SELF project provides an innovative approach of linking the knowledge and expertise in the field of SES and the educational practises. The project consortium developed a Europe-wide web-based platform, containing reliable, professional and user-friendly content regarding the state of SES assessment, development and interventions for early childhood education and care (ECEC) (i.e., children aged 0 to 7 years old). Several resources for professionals were developed, including: (i) descriptions regarding the state of SES for each European country; (ii) compendium with SES programs; and (iii)  compendium with assessment measures.

The platform serves simultaneously as a source of SES information and resource center, and as well as a tool for communication and exchange of information between ECEC providers, educators, researchers, stakeholders, experts from different countries, supporting the achievement of key priorities in the EU. A blog and a forum available.

Enjoy using it and all of our resources!

Let’s unlock children’s potential!

Overview of EU-Self Project Outputs and Activities